Endurance Coach

Endurance Coach

Monday, June 4, 2012

Rebuilding Time

On May 4th, I had arthroscopic surgery on both knees.  I had torn the meniscus on both knees - one in February and the other in March - both due to "age related degeneration."  The good news was that I was able to get both repaired in the same surgery - along with a little clean up of the chondromalacia behind both knee caps.  I should be good as new soon!

My orthopedic surgeon is a knee specialist.  He assured me that running did not cause my knee issues.  His opinion is that exercise is good for joints and knees.  As runners, we will not degenerate any faster than if we didn't run.  However, because we like to run, we will notice degeneration far sooner than a non-runner.  And at some point, we will no longer be able to run.

Until then, I've been rehabbing with enthusiasm.  And running on the Alter G treadmill at a fraction of my weight (what a wonderful tool!!).  At two weeks post surgery, I started swimming and it felt wonderful.  Swimming and kicking helped me to regain my range of motion and help my brain to start firing my quads once again.  I started cycling at the same time and after about a week, felt 80-90% of my strength come back.  In fact, it was wonderful to ride without pain for the first time all year.  And four weeks after surgery, I was able to do a local sprint triathlon.  I joined my son and husband, "Team Wolf Tracks," as their swimmer on a relay team.  Then, I did the solo race and learned to speed walk during the 5km run.  It was wonderful to be racing again, even if it wasn't up to speed.
Team "Wolf Tracks"

So, keep on running!  But make sure that you have other interests as well.  Because one day, we will reach the end of our running.  Treasure every run!  I will be so wildly happy when I can run without pain again - watch out!

1 comment:

Jennifer Harrison said...

SO glad you are rehabbing OK....I miss the CT classes! And, glad you fell in love with swimming...:) HEAL FAST, CHRIS!!!