Endurance Coach

Endurance Coach

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Back Where I Belong

Our MMTT Youth Development Team began practices this week.  My fabulous friend, Jan agreed to coach the team with me this year.  We are just meeting our young 2011 charges, but we are impressed.  There is nothing quite like seeing a group of kids attempting to become strong triathletes.  It is not an easy sport.  You've got the grueling nature of any endurance sport combined with the skills required to swim, bike and run proficiently.  You would think that they'd pick something easier.  A lot of parents wouldn't believe what I have witnessed in young triathletes for the last several years.  Kids LOVE the sport.  It never gets dull.  And kids like that.  IT is never easy.  And kids embrace that.  They crash.  They get up.  They get side cramps.  They learn to run through cramps.  They have a tough race?  Their team-mates cheer for them.  It is an individual sport.  It is a team sport.  They are part of something different.  They begin to define themselves as "triathletes."  This makes them feel strong and ready to take on the rest of their lives. 
It is good.  It is more than good. 
But for me, it may even be better.  I loved coaching kids and teaching kids in the 90s.  I have missed it terribly.  I am back where I belong.  Tonight's practice was the best part of my day.


JV said...

Chris, You are doing an awesome job as coach of MMTT youth. Savannah loves the team and it is so fun to see the spirit of the kids. We look forward to a great season.

Jennifer Harrison said...

AND you are so so good at it! Kids are lucky to have you, Chris!!!! keep enjoying!!