Endurance Coach

Endurance Coach

Friday, July 2, 2010

Race Tips for Young and Old and the Importance of having FUN

Tips for our Kids' Triathlon Team at races.  Not bad reminders for us older racers either.  The bottom line?  Don't let anyone ever convince you that you must be serious to win.  I have found that the athletes who are having FUN, are those most likely to perform to their potential. 
Here are the tips:

Day Before Race

• Attend the course clinic and scout out the course. Learn exactly where you will be swimming, biking and running. Pay special attention to the transition area.

• Lay out all of your equipment. Make sure that everything is in working order, especially your bike gears and brakes. Put your race numbers on. Do a little transition practice to check that you have everything.

• Eat nutritious foods that you know your stomach can handle well. Drink often to make sure that you are adequately hydrated.

• Put your feet up and relax a little more than usual today. Rest. Read a good book. Watch a funny movie.

• Look forward to tomorrow’s race! Remember that those pre-race butterflies will give you the energy to race faster. Remember how lucky you are to be able to participate in this race!

Race Day

• Eat your favorite pre-race breakfast about 2 hours before your race. If you race later in the day, eat breakfast and then another pre-race snack about 2 hours before your race.

• When transition opens, check your bike one more time. Are the tires filled? Are the brakes rubbing? Are you in the gear that will work best for you to get started?

• As you set up your transition area, keep it simple and compact. Don’t take up more than your fair share of space. Make sure that you have your bike and run gear set out. Take your goggles and cap with you to the swim start.

• Jog through all the transition area entrances and exits: swim-in, bike-out, bike-in, run-out. Know where the bike mount/dismount line is and what it means.

• Try to get in a short warm up jog within an hour of your race. At a minimum, jog for 5-10 minutes and do some strides to get your body ready to race.

• HAVE FUN!!!!!! No matter what, keep smiling today. It will make you race faster!

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