Endurance Coach

Endurance Coach

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Goal Setting for Success

Want to have a successful season? You must set goals.

Here are some tips for goal setting:

• Goals should stretch you. Anything less will not properly motivate you to improve.

• Goals have to be balanced with other aspects of your life. It is easy to lose balance in our endurance world. No race achievement will mean anything if you lose your family in the process.

• Set training objectives for each training block – stepping stones that will lead you toward your seasonal goals. Every 4-6 week block should have mini-goals.

• Every day, act like you believe. When you set a goal, you may not honestly know that you can reach it. But you do have to pretend that you do. Act with your nutrition and sleep habits. Act with your approach to each training session. Act with your attention to the details that will matter on race day. And on race day, keep pretending – all the way to the finish line.

• Go to bed each night with no regrets. Ask yourself, “Did I do all that I can towards achieving my goals.” Make that answer a yes often. Race with no regrets as well.

• Surround yourself with training partners and friends who believe you can do it.

• Enlist a coach who knows that you can do it.

Best wishes for your best season yet!

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